
The port number of web service, the default number is 80, if other program has already used the default port, you must choose another port number. such as 808.
SSL Port
The https port number of SSL Server, the default number is 443, if other program has already used the default port, you must choose another port number. such as 4433.
After changing the port number, you must click it to restart the Web Server/SSL Server.
Tell this URL to your friends and colleagues, so they can browse and download/upload files by visiting the URL.
Tell this URL (https) to your friends and colleagues, so they can browse and download/upload files by visiting the URL securely. It enables secure transport of data to and from the web server to the client browser.
Click this button to visit the URL/SSL URL.
Launch Web Server at windows startup
If checked, this program will start automatically when Windows start.
Start minimized in systemtray
Hide main window when the program starts, you can access this program through tray icon.
Automatically activate server at start up
If checked, this program will automatically activate the web service at start up.
Automatically activate ssl server at start up
If checked, this program will automatically activate the ssl server at start up.
Enable guest to login
If checked, the server will enable guest to log in.
Enable guest to register a new account
If checked, the server will enable guest to register a new account.
Login to virtual folder by default
If checked, you will login to virtual folder page by default.
Allow users to upload files to forums
If checked, the user can upload files to forums if he has permission to upload file.
Disable forums
If checked, All the forums will be disabled and all the users cannot access the forums.
Save log to file
If checked, the server will save all the web logs to files.
Click this button to view the log files.
Set the SMTP option.
Change template
Run Easy File Sharing Web Server as a NT Service.